Org charts

In the Org chart Portal area, the company organization, legal entities and organizational units of your company are displayed in automatically drawn Org charts.

Note: Org charts are drawn fully automatically by default using the properties maintained for the company organization, legal entities, organizational units and employees. For more information, see Properties sidebar and Properties of a model object.

Tip: Use the Org chart profile in the properties to define how the organizational chart is visualized. In the Org chart profile, you can deactivate the visualization of employees in a shape, for example. See Configure org chart profile.

Open org chart via page navigation

By default, you can see the org chart of Sunshine Holding by clicking on Org chart in the left navigation. This is the primary legal entity of the company organization. If you expand the entry in the navigation bar, you will see the subordinate legal entities. If you expand the entry for a legal entity, you will see the assigned organizational units. You can also reach organizational units that are assigned to these organizational units via the navigation:

See also: You can find out more about the company organization in the delivery state under Legal Entity Sunshine Holding.

Click on the respective entry to open the org chart of the company organization, legal entity or organizational unit:

Org chart default view

The org chart shows company organizations, legal entities and organizational units as shapes. You can see the category from the shapes:

Tip: In the Theme Editor, you can also use the Diagrams tab to configure the color with which the shapes are marked in the org chart. You can find more information under Theme Editor.

The company organization, legal entities and organizational units are arranged below or next to each other and connected by lines, depending on their hierarchical rank and interdependencies.

Tip: You also have the option for org charts to display them in Presentation mode and thus view the chart in full screen mode.

Staff units:

Staff positions are visualized with dashed lines:

Members of the company organization, legal entities and organizational units

Managers and employees are displayed with their roles in the respective shape. Employees who only belong to the respective unit on a technical basis are issued in the technical assignment area:

Navigate and select objects in the org chart

You can navigate to and select the following objects in org charts:

  • Company organizations

  • Legal entities

  • Organizational units

  • Employees

With a simple click on the shape header or the employee, properties are displayed in the right sidebar and the selected object is highlighted:

Double-click on the shape header or the employee to navigate to the format of the respective object: